Image‘Gardening for Growth’

* Supports adults, young people and children towards emotional, social, physical and mental health wellbeing

* Provides a safe, empathic, calm, nurturing, enjoyable and empowering environment

* Supports recovery unique and meaningful to each individual

* Focussing on people’s abilities, while recognising needs and disabilities

* Values each person and creates opportunities to find, develop and reach
personal potential


‘There is always choice’ ‘There is freedom from pressure’

est. 2012 by Dennis Trewin & Deb Hoskin Facebook



Thank you to all Trusts, Funding Bodies, Local People and Companies, who have donated much needed funds to support HTT’s charity work. There’s not space to show each one, but all are much appreciated and well used.

Horticultural Therapy Trust has various inclusive projects supporting Adults from all backgrounds and cultures towards improved wellbeing, including; mental health, social, emotional, physical and spiritual (meaning and purpose).
GARDENING for GROWTH- Working to support the wellbeing of individuals challenged by long term or severe mental health issues/illness and or acquired brain injury, depression or anxiety, individuals recovering from physical illness, carers who need respite, refugees or asylum seekers, homelessness, anyone who needs support towards confidence and self-esteem, time away from pressures, development of vocational skills and any other person who might benefit from horticultural therapy. All within an empathic safe space of community.

We do so alongside many other agencies such as Social Prescribers, Rethink, START, Harbour, Pathways, Giften Women etc. Self Referral is a route to HTT.

Download information leaflet here

HANDS to SOIL; PROJECT of HOPE-Supporting improved holistic wellbeing with a basis on learning together about Soil Care and Water Saving, tackling climate challenges through care of 'our' small part of The Earth.

INNER CITY: INNER SPACE for CHANGE- Supporting improved holistic wellbeing for people experiencing homelessness

Download information leaflet here



Horticultural Therapy Trust is a service provider, participant-led, with staff support, providing the best service we can to suit your needs and abilities.
Within the Horticultural Therapy Trust
opportunities are to grow flowers and vegetables, from seed or cuttings, design flower beds, colour schemes, wildlife habitat, digging and weeding, building raised beds, woodwork, creating seating etc. Everyone has skills and ideas to add as part of the HTT Team at their own pace and time.
There is something to suit everyone and daily there is always a choice depending on how you feel on the day


‘This is where I relax, it is my own piece of Freedom’



‘It is a social, I make friends, people accept me here. I learn new skills, do something, my memory is better.

I am stronger!’

Young People

 ‘I like being outdoors. It’s calm. I can do something.

I like the challenge’ (young person)

Horticultural Therapy Trust works through the therapeutic medium of Horticulture, with young people and children to support emotional and social wellbeing; support the learning of new skills and development of existing skills; enjoyment; achievements and freedom from daily pressures.
We work with children and young people who experience challenges in their daily lives. We provide a calm, empathic, nurturing, fulfilling and active environment, with choice of activities, for those who experience issues, pressures and disadvantage; providing space simply to ‘Be and Enjoy’. As well as within HTT allotment gardens, we facilitate creation of gardens together for wildlife and people within schools, areas of disadvantage, or homeless centres. Projects include;

GARDEN and GROW; supporting wellbeing of children within schools and centres.

HANDS to SOIL; PROJECT of HOPE and SEEDS Of CHANGE; supporting wellbeing, inclusion and belonging, together, of young people who experience exclusion, mental ill-health, homelessness, including being a refugee or asylum seeker.

Everyone has abilities and value, some unrecognised, and so Horticultural Therapy Trust endeavours to support each child or young person to recognise their own value, worth, skills and personal potential and grow them.

Horticultural Therapy is able to support improvements in wellbeing for those suffering various mental health issues, complex issues and complex trauma.


Download information leaflet here






Adult Project Photos

These are photos of some participants and staff from the adult projects. Click on the photos to enlarge and more details.


Contact Information

Deb will arrange an opportunity for an informal chat and visit to the project, with any support workers, family, carers, friends or on your own.
This can be through a phone call: Tues to Fri, 10 a.m.- 5 p.m.


Deb Hoskin 07507 675 344

Deb Hoskin - Project Manager

Award in Social and Therapeutic Horticulture.
Level 4 Diploma in Mindfulness based, Person Centred Counselling.

NCS Accredited Counsellor.
Since 1994 volunteer work supporting the wellbeing of people of all ages through gardening.
15+ years working in Horticultural Therapy.
Enhanced DBS checked.


Ciara Dougherty 07838 389415

Ciara Dougherty - Project Manager

RHS Level 2 Diploma in Principles and Practices of Horticulture.

MSc OT - Previously practicing Occupational Therapist in the NHS for 10 years.
Enhanced DBS checked.


Dan Stroud

Dan Stroud Therapeutic Carpentry Mentor


Qualified Joiner - 30+ years experience.

Qualified Active Listener/Counselling Skills.
Enhanced DBS checked.


Fiona Aitkin

Fiona Aitkin - Project / Charity Administrator

Mental Health First Aid Champion.
2 years volunteering supporting adults with their physical and mental well-being.
Project Management and Support Staff experience within the education sector for over 15 years.

TQUK L2 Certificate in Understanding Children and young People's Mental Health.
NVQ Level 4 Management (ILM).
HND Consumer and Marketing Studies.
Enhanced DBS checked.



Registered Charity Address:

23 Bayswater Road


For news and regular updates please visit our HTT Facebook page by clicking the Facebook logo above.





We operate from the Penlee Valley Allotment in Plymouth. Click on the maps to enlarge.

Map Map



Since 2013 Horticultural Therapy Trust (HTT) has received awards from RHS 'It's Your Neighbourhood Awards'. Achieving OUTSTANDING since 2014 and three special awards in 2021 for running outdoors lifeline sessions, and growing food to share, throughout Covid Lockdown.


2020/21 Awards


2018 Award





In 2013 Horticultural Therapy Trust was celebrated through these three awards.

In 2013 Horticultural Therapy Trusts' work with school children from High Street Primary and Marlborough Primary was also celebrated through these awards.